A Review by Rev. Dr. Patrick F. Hunt

Pastor of Heritage Congregational Church in Berea, Ohio

In Proverbs 25:11 ESV, we find the following words: “A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in a setting of silver”. As I read through the book of poetry written by Bernadette Butler,”Words of Praise, Joy, and Love”, I found it exactly that. These words by which I could find solace in my Lord. As the words exalted the Almighty God, I found myself soothed by a creator who could deal with all my problems, fears, and misgivings. I call Mrs. Butler the “wordsmith” of expressive thought because she was able to capture my feelings and put them into words and then to assuage my feelings by introducing me to the personal creator God who stood by me in all situations.

I have given this book to others who were experiencing personal loss in their lives. In each situation their loved one had passed away about a year ago. Each expressed to me how this book not only expressed where they were emotionally, it also brought them to a place of peace in the knowledge that God intrinsically knew of their distress in anguish. They knew that God had not abandoned them to the pit of despond. He could and does raise us up. Bernadette revealed her personal journey with God in the words that He has given her and by beautifully capturing the essence of the journey she could reveal to the reader a way of peace and solace.

Truly, Bernadette has woven a beautiful tapestry of words and presented to us a God of love and joy who is worthy of praise. I highly recommend “Words of Praise, Joy, and Love” to you.


“When I Was” was the first poem I ever wrote about my life as a child. It was a difficult one. The struggle was heartbreaking, and in this dilemma I did not have a good relationship with my mother. She was married twice, and both husbands were abusive. This brought damage to my mother and the children that she had.

Out of this I learned to call on God. Read More